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Learn How to Give Tantra Massage
This course motivates an expanding intimacy and love without the need for strong muscles or technical skills. You will also learn our best tricks in order for the giver him/herself to experience relaxation and pleasure and at the same time get charged with energy. We work with three levels:
Level 1 (4 hours): If you have no or little experience with tantric body work and wish to enrich your relationship and learn to give tantra massage to eachother. In this first step, you will learn about erotic massage, but not genital massage.
Level 2 (4 hours): If you have little or some experience. You will learn about all our best methods for erotic massage and genitals/lingam massage for him.
Level 3 (4 hours): If you have little or some experience. You will learn all our best tricks for erotic massage and genitals/yoni massage for her.
For more info, contact us by email at: tantra@tantrazone.dk or phone +45 2627 4467, if you have questions regarding the best level for you.
Price per level: DKK 4,500
All levels in two days: DKK 13,000
Buy “all levels in two days” as a prepaid package here
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I consider Diana to be the most qualified of the tantra teachers that I have experienced. She creates a warm and supportive space where participants feel secure and willing to explore boundaries and go deeper into the exercises. She is empathetic, responsive, and very attentive to how each person is doing along the way.