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Tantric Treatments & Bodywork for Women
Course of Treatment
We often have clients with challenges that need more than a single visit. They are life themes, which must be lovingly approached from several angles and over time. In these cases, our clients benefited greatly from making shorter or longer courses where they “shop around” in a combination of what we can offer – or in combination with working with other therapists or psychologists. You can now book Diana for a 30 minute session where you tell her about your challenges, and she – in cooperation with you, your wants, needs and boundaries – designs a course of treatment which ensures that you get everything you need.
Price: 250 DKK
Book an appointment with Diana
(Note: If you book a course of treatment with us, the planning meeting is free of charge and the fee will be deducted from the price of the course (not necessarily paid jointly).
Tantra massage therapy
This type of bodywork was aired on national Danish TV and is one of our most popular treatments. Tantric massage therapy is a good way to begin if it is your first time at the Institute. It has therapeutic purposes and is recommended if you have challenges in your intimate relationships, lack of sexual desire, lack of orgasm, abdominal tension or pain, sexual trauma, abuse etc. We begin with an initial conversation and plan and adjust the body work to suit your situation and meet your needs.
One bodyworker: 3 hours, DKK 2.500
Oxytocin Wellness Massage
An extremely nourishing massage or bodywork session. The massage table is warm, the light is soft and you are met with warmth, scented oils, long gentle strokes, soft music and lots of loving gentle touch. From the top of the head till the tip of the toes you will be touched, stroke, clapped, rubbed and your skin will be saturated with touch. When you get off the massage table your heart will feel soft and your body strong and light.
1 bodyworker, 2 hours; DKK 1.800
Book a session with a female bodyworker
Sensitivity and Boundary Training
Do you experience difficulty in feeling yourself and moving “from your head to your body”? Some people are having difficulties surrendering to pleasure, while others cannot feel or communicate boundaries and as a result of this ends up overstepping their boundaries. Others experience imbalances and become hyper-sensitive or completely numb. In both cases it may result in problems regarding sexual desire and orgasms, pain or psychological trauma resulting in sexual challenges. Sensitivity and boundary training will help you feel yourself. What do you want? What do you desire? Where are you natural boundaries? What does your body communicate? What does your mind communicate? How can you communicate this in a suitable manner? When your NO becomes clear, your YES becomes authentic. You become yourself even more. Sensitivity and boundary training has been developed by Martin Heese – his signature treatment – recommended as a series of several sessions, especially if your boundaries have been crossed, but can also be a single session. Our point of departure is your particular situation and a session will typically consist of conversation, physical body work and treatment and therapy. First of all, we work in a safe atmosphere based on trust. Afterwards, we distinguish between expanding boundaries and crossing boundaries. To expand your boundaries can be positive and initiate your development. To cross your boundaries is considered negative, since you cannot be present in your body and mind. A developed awareness of your boundaries can be an important base of different activities and is an important tool for a tantric bodywork session.
Single session (3 hours): DKK 2200 Sensitivity and boundary training (3 sessions of 3 hours each): DKK 6600
Book a single session with Martin
You will find more about Yoni (Vaginal) Mapping and Pelvic Release, Yoni Therapy, Yoni Mapping, De-Amoring, Yoni Healing, Massage of Pelvis and Abdomen here.
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